Les Variations was a French rock band that sang in English and was known for its guitar based music. Often, their songs and compositions contained hints of North African and Jewish Sephardic melodies as well as the Hebrew songs of the band members youth. In 1974, Les Variations signed with the American label Buddah Records, and created a more exotic style. Their pioneering introduction of sounds and styles taken from their Moroccan heritages, was exemplified in the albums “Moroccan Roll” and “Cafe de Paris.” During the recording and subsequent touring of these Buddah albums, the band added the American keyboard player/singer Jim Morris; and for “Cafe de Paris” and its tours, they added the French/Tunisian/singer/guitarist/composer Robert Fitoussi and the ledendary French/Tunisian violinist of Arabic music, Maurice Meimoun. “Cafe de Paris” (1975) reached the Billboard Top 200 Album Charts in America, while their single ‘Superman, Superman,’ reached No. 36 in the U.S. Pop Charts. Unfortunately, as they finally were able to gain measurable success in America, Les Variations disbanded on December 21, 1975.